Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Remnant Will Triumph

The Remnant Will Triumph

Preaching Portion: Selected Scriptures
Subject: Seven Churches of Asia
Theme: Surviving The Last Days

INTRO: Among the spiritual deaf, God always seems to locate people who are listening!
·      In every one of the letters to the seven churches of Asia Jesus called out to those within the congregation who were really listening. He knew that in every church there are some who get it and others who do not.
·      Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear…” Christ knew that only those who had an ear to hear would actually hear. He also knew that a listening church is a powerful witness to the world.
·      The means of victory is usually at work through a remnant. In times of persecution it seems that a few are the standard bearers as opposed to the crowds.
·      So what do we do when life gets difficult for the church? Hunker down and wait out the storm and then see what is left? I believe the appropriate response is to prepare for the coming storm and move forward with confidence knowing that we can count of the Lord to see us through to victory.
·      There is a temptation for the Christian community to give up because of all the gains by the Islamic community into every fabric of our society. This approach only fuels their efforts all the more believing they will prevail.
·      If the church rises to the occasion this is a time that we could see an unprecedented revival break out in the Muslim world. Muslims are weary of the emptiness that their faith system offers and they know in their heart it is empty. But where do they turn?
·      According to those who work in outreach ministries to Muslim “today worldwide there are more Muslims becoming Christians than at any time in history.”[1]
o   Thabiti Anyabwile a former Muslim turned Christian pastor states: Increasingly, God seems pleased to bring the Muslim world right to our doorsteps. The work of cross-cultural evangelism and missions has never been more accessible….”[2]
·      J. D. Greer, a pastor and missionary to Muslims makes this observation: For the first time in history, Muslims in just about every part of the world have been exposed to life outside of their communities. Many Muslim college students, through international study, television, or the internet have started to question their faith and the assumptions they have grown up with.”[3]
·      What kind of church do we need to be in order to withstand the growing pressure that will be exerted upon us to tone down the gospel and remain silent about Satan’s agenda in the last day?

PROP: As a Christ followers are we listening to the Lord of the church today?
T.S: Christ is speaking three agendas in selected scriptures that we need to listen to today.

1.     Be A Repentant Church – 2 Chronicles 20:12
a.     O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
b.     Martin Luther was right when he said in the first of his 95 Thesis that “the entire life of believers is to be one of repentance.”
c.      Jehoshaphat, who ruled the southern Kingdom of Judah in the ninth century BC, led his people in fasting, repentance, and prayer when enemy nations approached to do battle. Verse twenty is the conclusion to this appeal to the nation.
                                               i.     God gave the victory because the people of God went into battle singing the praises of God. Upward focus is what wins every time.
                                              ii.     Eyes that are fixed in a stare at the Savior keeps us focused on the purpose of our life and ensure victory.
d.     Repentance has a multi-faceted look.
                                               i.     First repentance is an “about-face” – a military term that means to turned completely around 180 degrees and march in the opposite direction.
                                              ii.     Repentance is also the fruit of embracing an ever-present appreciation and worship of Christ. Realizing that all I have comes from all of who Christ is in my life.
                                            iii.     We come to a realization of courage to walk into the darkness unafraid. “I have told you these things, so that in me you might have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33
2.     Be A Witnessing Church – Mark 16:15
a.     Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…”
b.     The watching world especially the Muslim community will respect Christians who take a stand for their faith enough to share it. Given the casual attitude of so many professing Christians show toward their faith –it is not hard to understand why people would be attracted to those who believe enough in their faith to want to share it.
c.      Only love can overcome suspicion and hatred. One of the most attractional items for Muslims is that Christianity challenges them to love their enemies.
d.     Our goal is to present a gospel message that is positive and avoids argumentation about people’s character and belief systems. Yes there are many things that are worth discussing at the right time, but be careful of running people off from the gospel before they even have a chance to hear the gospel.
3.     Be A Committed Church – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
a.     All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
b.     Stop and think for just a moment why did the Muslim community get into an uproar with Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Florida by burning a copy of the Quran in March 2011? When we sit still long enough to hear the truth of the matter we see some things that should challenge the House of God.
                                               i.     Muslims believe that the Quran is actually the words of Allah and not just another sacred book in which to pattern your life after.
                                              ii.     Unfortunately many Christians do not have a “die-on-the-matte” attitude about the Bible. We don’t carry it and many times we are not seen with it.
                                            iii.     I am not suggesting that we take to the streets every time someone burns a bible. As much as it is possible we are to live peaceably with all men.
c.      I can argue effectively the legitimacy of the Bible vs. the Quran in terms of authority and believability. However, you must conclude even though we can effectively argue our position step back and look at the devotion of those who are willing to die for something that is completely false.
                                               i.     Where does that leave the community of believers who declare the Word of God to be a guide and rule for our lives?


How would you react to the following true notice that was posted on a family’s door.


The true religion of Islam WILL ARISE in your area; you cannot stop Allah’s will. We have been watching your family; we have seen you go to church and seen you pray to your false god. We know that you are infidels and we will deal with you as our holy Quran declares in Sura 9:5; “TO SLAY the idolaters wherever you find them; take them captive and besiege them…” In Sura 9:29 it also says to “FIGHT those who have been given the scripture and believe not in Allah or the Last Day or follow not the religion of truth.” If you and your entire family do not leave your false religion and follow Islam, you will be killed. Your sons will be slaughtered and your daughters will become Muslim wives, bearing sons who will fight for Allah in this region. Your ONLY other option is to FLEE TONIGHT. Leave your home and everything behind.

[1] Rosemary Sookhdeo Breaking Through The Barriers: Leading Muslims To Christ. (McClean: Isaac, 2010) 15.
[2] Thabiti Anyabwile The Gospel For Muslims. (Chicago: Moody, 2010) 15.
[3] J.D. Greer Breaking The Islam Code. (Eugene: Harvest House, 2010) 36.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Compromise Weakens The Church

Compromise Weakens The Church

Preaching Portion: Revelation 3:1-6
Subject: The Church At Sardis
Theme: The Effect of Compromise

INTRO: Moral compromise weakens a church’s ability to withstand the pressure of society and false doctrine. Such a church accommodates itself to the spirit of the age. The rot within cannot withstand the storm without.

·      There are 13,900,000 hits on Google when searching “Moral Compromise.” Obviously this is a topic of interest.
·      Writer Jerry D. Goodstein defines moral compromise as “when people have resolved in their own minds what course best fits their considered moral judgments, but who then find themselves in conflict with others whose best moral judgments have led them to an opposing position.”[1]
·      We see evidence of opposing positions at every turn within our society. Because we have abolished “absolute truths” we are left with antagonizing points of view that it is assumed that compromise is now an excepted pattern of commerce, politics, family, and faith.
·      Tertullian, the great theologian of North Africa once stated that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church. As we look into The Lost History of Christianity, Philip Jenkins author, reports there have been wholesale massacres by Islamic conquerors that have thoroughly destroyed the church in the Middle East. Whole congregations were annihilated across central Asia. Christianity has all but disappeared in Persia and throughout Iraq.
o   October 31 2010 Islamic extremists attacked worshippers at the Syrian Catholic Church in Baghdad, killing 59 Christians and injuring 80 others. Armed with automatic weapons they entered a worship service and opened up fire on the worshippers.
·      Moral compromise is crushing our way of life in America. We hardly recognize this country anymore. I confess this is not the country of my childhood – I feel lost at times, but anchored in the hope of the cross!
·      Should we be concerned about compromise? Is it really worth all of this effort of extra nights of church, prayer, and inviting people on this journey?
·      Consider the church at Sardis in Revelation 3:1-6. Read carefully their perception of aliveness contrasted to the reality report of deadness.
·      There have been some modern excavations that have occurred revealing church structures with gymnasiums that seem to accommodate pagan rituals and rites of the time blending them with first century Christian worship.
·      When the stethoscope of heaven was applied to the heart of this congregation Jesus concluded that despite all of the outward signs of activity and vitality the church was actually a corpse – “You are dead” are sobering words.

PROP: I cannot stand in the face of social pressure by allowing moral compromises.
T.S: I can gain faith to stand in the face of social pressure by hearing the report of Sardis and by following the prescription found in Revelation 3:1-6.

1.     The Chastening – Revelation 3:1-2
a.     “ ‘I know your works. You have the reputation jof being alive, kbut you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works lcomplete in the sight of my God[2]
b.     The first thing to note is the report of the community that suggests that you are alive but in actuality you are dead. THAT IS A STUNNER!
                                               i.     How is it that our church calendars are full of plans opportunities to participate in community and yet be so far from the heartbeat of God?
                                              ii.     Could it be that we have created a trajectory for the church that is appealing but have in the process sacrificed the manifest presence of God?
c.      It is one thing to have a full energetic calendar of the church but quite another to that same calendar filled with activities that are the heartbeat of God.
                                               i.     “…I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God…”
d.     What moral compromises should the church be aware of? There are three that I would suggest.
                                               i.     The Compromise of Consumerism
1.     The church at Laodicea stands in our minds as a church that allowed the culture to lull them to sleep thinking that all is well and we need nothing by our standards.
2.     The city and church of Laodicea lies in ruins with no one living there any longer.
3.     Look deep into the heart of the church and see what remains and has not been compromised and begin to strengthen that unless the Lord comes as a thief in the night.
                                              ii.     The Compromise of a Weakened Gospel
1.     You can water down the gospel to make it more appealing to nonbelievers. Preach love without sin and repentance – people’s egos are fragile.
2.     We can blend aspects of Christianity with other belief systems and thereby show ourselves to be more open and tolerant. CHRISLAM comes to mind!
a.     Can I report that Islam is completely anti-Christian/cross/Christ – there is no common ground on which to build a theological bridge of tolerance and acceptance.
3.     Unfaithfulness to the gospel of Christ is yet another way of weakening our testimony. How many times through scripture are we asked to repent? Failure to do so dilutes the essence of the gospel while embracing our agendas
                                            iii.     The Compromise of Institutionalized Christianity
1.     The first century teaches us to not become entangled in politics. The first century church wedded itself to the political powers of the day in such a way that when governing leaders were replaced with Muslim rulers the church had no power to stand and therefore collapsed.
e.     Augustine once stated that men build cities and men destroy cities, but the City of God they did not build and cannot destroy!
2.     The Counsel – Revelation 3:3-6
a.     The church at Sardis was instructed to remember, repent, watch, and wait.
b.     The challenge of the church was to recapture what was Godly and alive among them – strengthen it and nurture it to health and you will receive garments of white and a name in the book of Life!
c.      Brother Andrew noted Russian bible smuggler now works among the Muslims. He tells a story of meeting an imam, second in command in Hamas. Brother Andrew asked if he prayed five times a day every day. The answer was yes! But there is no mosque here in the desert. The imam responded, “Every tent is a mosque!”
                                               i.     What kind of revival would we have if every home was a prayer center and every hone was a church?
d.     During Holy Week in 2011, the BBC hosted a program titled, “Does Christianity Have A Future?” A Catholic Priest contributed to the discussion by saying; “I think what people, especially young people, are rejecting is not Christianity per se, but the banal, lame, pseudo-Christianity, the humanistic “gospel,” what I call in my church “Catholic-Lite.” This is what they reject, because it is not life giving…it is lame, emasculated, humanistic, and counterfeit, which does not call sinners to repentance and does not offer life. Until the fullness of the gospel is proclaimed and a fitting worship of God is offered in Mass people will stay away while the older die off…Where there is growth there is orthodoxy and fidelity – lameness produces no good fruit, only more lameness.”[3]


The story of the bristlecone pine.

·      The tree lives at 10,000 foot elevation in harsh conditions
·      The pine tree grows slowly
·      The pine tree puts down extensive root systems
·      The pine tree is built to resist disease
·      The pine tree remains small in size
·      The pine tree only releases its cones and seeds when stuck by lightening or by fire

[1] Jerry D. Goodstein. Moral Compromise and Personal Integrity. Accessed 25, 2013.
j 1 Tim. 5:6
k See Luke 15:24
l Acts 14:26
[2] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. 2001 (Re 3:1–2). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
[3] Erwin Lutzer The Cross In The Shadow of The Crescent [Eugene: harvest House, 2013] 130.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Crescent Cannot Destroy The Cross

The Crescent Cannot Destroy The Cross

Preaching Portion: Revelation 2:18-29
Subject: The Church At Thyatira
Theme: Holding To The Truth

INTRO: No Muslim can pray in the presence of a cross!
·      While visiting the Hagia Sophia a number of years ago, Erwin Lutzer was told by their guide that no Muslim can pray in the presence of a cross. In fact the Hagia Sophia shows the historical struggle of Muslims attempting to destroy the cross and remove it from sight.[1]
·      To illustrate the hatred for the cross, I would draw attention to the capture of Antioch in 1268 by the Mamluk general Baybars who afterward wrote to Count Bohemund VI (the ruler of Antioch who was away in Tripoli at the time), explaining to him what he would have seen if he had been in the city: “You would have seen crosses in your churches smashed, pages of the false Testaments scattered, the Patriarch’s tombs overturned. You would have seen your Muslim enemy trampling on the place where you celebrate the Mass, cutting the throats of the monks, priests and deacons upon the altars, bringing sudden death to the Patriarchs and slavery to the royal princes. You would have seen fire running through your palaces, your dead burned in this world before going down to the fires of the next, your place unrecognizable, the church of St Paul and that of the Cathedral of St Peter pulled down and destroyed…”[2]
·      Regardless of the geographical area Muslims have destroyed crosses and replaced them with the symbol of the Crescent. Give the fact the cross is the center of faith for Christians, it should come as no surprise that Muslims are so strongly against it.
·      But what is really behind such hatred for the cross? The answer to this question lies in the fact that Muslims do not believe that the Jews crucified Jesus. There primary text that denies the crucifixion ever took place is found in the Sura 4:157-159; “They claim we killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the apostle of God. But they killed him not, nor did they crucify him. They were under the illusion they had. Those who differ on this matter are full of doubts. They have no real knowledge but follow only conjecture. Assuredly they did not kill him. On the contrary, God raised him to himself, and God is all powerful, all wise.”[3]
·      So according to the Quran, the Jews did not succeed in killing Jesus, who I the Quran is called the “apostle of God.”
·      You need to keep in mind that the Quran did not come into existence until more than 500 years after the cross when Muhammad wrote it. Muslims argue that Allah spoke to Muhammad and Allah would not have made a mistake; therefore, what was spoken through Muhammad has no mistakes.


·      Out text scriptures focuses upon the church at Thyatira. The city itself was a strategic military city for the Romans and thus was ruled by a very rough frontiersman attitude.
·      Thyatira was noted for its craftsmanship and its idolatry. There were gods being worshipped. The primary god was Apollo the son of Zeus. There were a variety of goddesses that were worshipped for their sexual activities.
·      There was tremendous pressure placed upon Christians to participate in the various community celebrations. Jezebel was the primary culprit in this storyline. Take careful note of what the angel reports about her activity within the church.
·      Notice first of all that are a number of commendations announced; works, love, faith, service, and patient endurance all excel from the first. In other words you have grown.
·      It is interesting at how a spirit of seduction can coexist with such quality attributes of faith. Jezebel’s time had run out and judgment was on its way to her and all that associate with her.
·      Do not miss the crucial words of vv.24-25; “But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold to this teaching, who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden. Only hold fast what you have until I come.”

PROP: Do not tolerate false teaching in the midst of Scripture
T.S: Thyatira teaches us that judgment awaits toleration of false teaching alongside of Scripture as revealed in Revelation 2:18-29.

1.     The Chastening – Revelation 2:20-23
a.     Take note of the wickedness
                                               i.     Toleration of Jezebel
                                              ii.     Jezebel teaches in church a message of seduction
                                            iii.     Sexual immorality
                                            iv.     Eating food offered to idols
b.     Take note of the warning
                                               i.     A merciful God had given time for repentance
                                              ii.     Jezebel will be thrown on a sick-bed
                                            iii.     All who associate with them will suffer tribulation
                                            iv.     Jezebel’s children will die
c.      Can we catch our breath for a moment and ask the question how can such sin co-exist in the church? My answer is that it is not that hard today.
                                               i.     Consider those asked the question “Are you saved by the blood of Jesus Christ?” Only 6-8% of those who confess Christ said yes the blood of Jesus saves me.[4]
                                              ii.     In Christianity Today September 2013 issue it is reported that 60% of sinners do not even know a Christian in America or Canada.
                                            iii.     Our efforts at becoming attractional seems to trump the manifest presence of God among us. Contemporization is not a problem as long as the manifest presence of God is welcome to do what we cannot do in our midst.
d.     “Dualism” meaning Christ plus ________________ [whatever we substitute for the manifest presence of God] will be judged. There is a holy curse hanging over all sin; “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” [Galatians 3:13]
2.     The Counsel - Revelation 2:24-29
a.     Take notice that God is searching the depths of man’s soul and He knows who is holding to the Bible versus the “deep things of Satan.” He pronounces that he would not place any greater burden upon them.
                                               i.     Notice the contrast of Jezebel’s followers – sickbed, tribulation, and death.
                                              ii.     This is a sufficient motivation to become a student of the Word. Christ searches the depths in a critical manner leaving no aspect untouched.
b.     The attention is now turned to His gifts – namely giving us the authority over the nations. In other words He is giving the power, the permission and the means to be able to exercise authority over nations as God’s children.
                                               i.     This is more than an inheritance – this is actually ruling/being in charge with authority.
                                              ii.     Take notice the extent of authority – with the rod of iron and having the capacity of breaking into pieces.
c.      Christ will give to them that have authority the “morning star.” What does this mean?
                                               i.     While there have been numerous suggestions as to the implication, I believe there is only one that we should focus upon.
                                              ii.     Revelation 22:16; “I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendent of David, the bright morning star.”


·      In order for the cross to become a symbol of victory we must be single minded.
·      Destroying a symbol is one thing; destroying the reality of Jesus’ victory over sin and Satan is quite another. Satan knows that no matter how many crosses are destroyed his fate is sealed.
·      He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” Colossians 2:15

[1] Erwin Lutzer The Cross In The Shadow of the Cross (Eugene: Harvest House, 2013) 97.
[2] Ibid. 97-98.
[3] Ibid. 98.
[4] Jim Cymbala GC2013 Orlando, Florida.