Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Without Excuse!

The Challenge of 2014

There are sixty-six books that comprise ONE BOOK. There are some forty-plus authors that wrote over a period of approximately fourteen hundred years without the benefit of collaboration and yet this book carries a central Messianic theme that is undeniable – THE BIBLE!

Let this truth sink into your inner being. The Bible is not just the latest addition by an author in a series. The Bible is ancient and yet new everyday. What this book stands for – ABSOLUTE TRUTH – is what radicalized politics combats. The shape of our nation is a reflection of what we believe. The solution is not the mid-term elections of 2014 and who will gain control – Donkey or Elephant?

On this last morning of 2013 as I write this post I am compelled to speak to the believing community of faith in Christ. I would suggest the Cross of Christ should be victorious in the coming year. WHY? Our national heartbeat is irregular by the constant message of scandals and political blunders [Benghazi, NSA Spying, IRS Targeting, Snowden, Syria, Israel, Affordable Care Act, etc]. We are searching for truth more now than ever. The church’s need is not more creativity set within contemporary daydreaming. Where is the Messianic message from anointed pulpits, from a book whose author took some fourteen hundred years to pen, set before a contemporary world, and confirmed by the manifest presence of God among us?

      Believers we are without excuse….
      To my comrades in the weekly pulpit we are without excuse for not preaching authoritatively, powerfully, and passionately the Messianic message of a Savior.
      To the believing community of faith we are without excuse for not studying the scriptures as hungry students….His word hid in my heart so that I might not sin against God…ready to give an answer of the reason of the hope that is within me.
      In our churches let the sound of weeping between the doorpost and the altar dominate the sanctuary by means of prayer as opposed to polished production.
     Set yourself in 2014 to have a determined purpose to know Christ in the fellowship of His suffering and in the power of His resurrection!

My human nature is troubled for what is coming in 2014! My spirit man is excited as I see the opportunity for revival in 2014! I am embracing this New Year as a year of harvest for the Kingdom! Join me in prayer and commitment in your respected area of service.