Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What You Believe Matters!

I begin my college class instruction each semester with a statement on the white board that reads, "There is absolute truth and it is knowable!"The subject is "Introduction To Religion In America." Without comment upon that statement for some 45 minutes, allowing time for instructions on how the semester will unfold, invariably a student will ask, "Professor Brackett, do you believe that statement?" My answer is always an unequivocal YES! If there is no truth that transcends time, geographic location, culture, gender, or ethnicity then we are left to self-discovery. When that happens every persons truth becomes true simply because I have arrived at this knowledge my way. In America we call this "Multi-culturalism." By definition multi-culturalism states that every person's truth is true! If this definition and cultural tendency becomes the guiding light for a nation, then the question becomes "If every person's truth is true, can we survive as a nation?"
While we awaken from the "24 hour news coverage" hang-over of the 2012 election, I must confess that I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. I will admit that I woke up at 3:15 a.m. and went to peak at my iPhone for the election results and then went back to bed to arise at my usual 5:30 a.m. wake-up time. This morning I realized that nothing has really changed in my belief system. I have a mandate to pray for those in civic leadership so that we might live a quiet and peaceable life. I still must prepare sermons for my congregation that points them toward eternity and not political affiliation. I awakened to the reality that mankind is still without a Savior and that I must be an intentional proclaimer of the gospel. Judgment is just ahead and eternity will reveal the final vote from a righteous God upon all nations and people. What motivates this belief? God's Word! Absolute truth is based upon starting premises that are time-tested and validated to be plausible when applied to all people, at all times, and in all places.
Finally this morning while we recover from our election hang-over there is one constant that awaits us - the only thing that the Christian community has to offer is to experience the transcendent God that changes what I cannot change through religion. "Donkeys" and "elephants" cannot save you!

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