Thursday, January 31, 2013

5 T's of Biblical Stewardship

Stewardship Series: TIME

Preaching Portion: Selected Scriptures
Subject: Time
Theme: Spiritual Evaluation of Time

INTRO: There is no certainty as to the original meaning of the word TIME (κάίροσ). The development of the word over the ages has come to refer to a specific place that is crucial or a point of time that is significant.

  • Time only has meaning when we apply it to the material world as we know it. Therefore we refer to our existence in terms of time i.e. “I am 51 years old,” “Our church has existed 30+ years,” My wife and I have been married 30 years,” Our earth is thousands of years old.”
  • Time is not an abstract concept. Its’ most powerful meaning is in the present tense. To look back in time is to only review history past. The past can persuade us for decisions in the present – the future is not a guarantee so we cannot act upon what we do not have. Only this moment in time matters.
  • The Bible is not silent regarding the study of time. In the Old Testament alone there are 2,274 references to time. One of the startling discoveries in the Old Testament is to see that God made time. This is seen in the Genesis account by virtue of God’s creative work in epics of activity.
  • Time in the Old Testament has great theological implication. Realizing that God transcends time (He is not bound by time limits – He supra-cedes it), the Psalter declares; “For a thousand years in your sight is but as yesterday when it is past or as a watch in the night” Psa. 90:4.
  • The New Testament is equally out-spoken on the subject of time. There are 85 occurrences in the New Testament. The heaviest usage occurs in the gospel of Matthew, Luke and in Acts.
  • The theological significance of time in the New Testament becomes quite personal and challenging. With Christ’s coming time has a whole new meaning and sense of urgency. Christ brought clarity and commitment to religions mission, vision and values. Until we develop the perspective that religion only has meaning from Christ’s perspective will lasting change occur.

PROP: Time must be viewed from Christ’s perspective.
T.S: Time can be viewed from Christ’s perspective by evaluating the two perspectives found in Luke 12:54-56

1)    The Perspective of the Natural World – vv.54,55
a)     54 He also said to the crowds, g “When you see ha cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens. 55 And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be iscorching heat,’ and it happens.[1]
b)    If people were as discerning about spiritual things as they are about the weather, they would be better off! The crowd could predict a storm, but it could not foresee the coming judgment. It knew that the temperature was about to change, but it could not interpret the “signs of the times.” The Jewish nation had the prophetic Scriptures for centuries and should have known what God was doing, but their religious leaders led them astray.[2]
c)     How is it that we can determine the perspective of the world around with such ease and comfort? We seem to be empowered by our knowledge, it gives us a sense of control. There is a sense of superiority about our knowledge. We tend to feel that our judgments on a matter are always correct and precise.
d)    How tragic that men today can predict the movements of the heavenly bodies, split atoms, and even put men on the moon; but they are blind to what God is doing in the world. They know how to get to the stars, but they do not know how to get to heaven! Our educated world possesses a great deal of scientific knowledge but not much spiritual wisdom.[3]
2)    The Perspective of the Spiritual World – v.56
a)     56 You hypocrites! jYou know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?[4]  
b)     Since words really matter in the interpretation of scripture, I would draw your attention to two occurrences of a word translated, “know how.” (δοκιμάξώ). In other words what Jesus was implying was they knew how to prove and give approval to their conclusions regarding the earth and sky. However, by the same word Jesus states they could not prove and give approval of the present time as it relates to spirituality.
c)     What Christ just did in this verse was to make time more urgent. Not all things are evaluated equally and not all things are evaluated as urgent. Jesus was driving the discussion to cause us to think about the priority of this present time. Look deeper into this day and see if there are not some things that weigh more in terms of importance as opposed to others.
i)      Such as the development of Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Giftedness
d)    Christ’s declaration that the people were “Hypocrites” is a serious term. It implies that people can pretend, wear masks, be something or someone they are not. This is not for the purpose of name calling, but for the purpose of shock! Wake up, not all things are deemed as urgent and correct from our vantage point. There is another perspective on life.
i)      The Messiah was in their midst.
ii)    God was with them.
iii)   Hope was alive.


  • There are two ways of viewing our world.
    • We can see our world from our perspective and interpret it from this stance.
    • We can see our world from the perspective of Christ.
  • One of these vantage points is more urgent and accurate. The other is limited.
  • The challenge in our 2013 Stewardship emphasis on TIME is; “How do you see this present time? How does it motivate your lifestyle choices? What will we do to change our hypocrisy?

[1]The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001 (Lk 12:54-55). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
[2]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (Lk 12:54). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.
[3]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (Lk 12:54). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.
[4]The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001 (Lk 12:56). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unceasing Prayer

Unceasing Prayer

Go Vertical Series

Preaching Portion: Selected Scriptures
Subject: Prayer
Theme: Unceasing Prayer That Describes the Church

INTRO: Fervent, faith-filled, persistent prayer is a prerequisite to God’s manifest presence in a church!
·      Prayer is the easiest thing to assume in church and the hardest thing to maintain. Prayer is the first thing our flesh stops when times get easy, and true prayer is the last thing we resort to when things get tough.
·      Prayerlessness in a church will lead you to attempt weird horizontal programs to fulfill what is lacking in the spirit world.
·      Without prayer, the other three facets of our DNA do not matter [Unashamed Adoration, Unapologetic Preaching, & Unafraid Witnessing].
·      As a congregation we must respond to God’s invitation; “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
·      If that scripture is true then, are we failing to see God work among us because we are selfish in our prayers? Listen to God’s Word; “You do not have because you do not ask, you ask and do not receive because you ask amiss.”
·      If we are to become a vertical church that establishes the Glory of God back into the house of God then we are going to have to deal with our iniquities. Isaiah 59:1,2; “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he dies not hear.”
·      Actual praying, not thinking, I need help, not wondering when God will act, but actual kneeling, out-loud, faith-filled calling out to God is needed among God’s people.
·      “Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me” [Psalm 50:15]. The word translated “call” is used some 720 times in the Old Testament. The indication of this word is to raise your voice, to accost, to proclaim.
·      The other pieces of our churches DNA [Unashamed Adoration, Unapologetic Preaching, Unafraid Witness] will amount to nothing if we are not praying. Where prayerless people pursue powerless methods as a substitute for the glory of God revealed, why would Satan ever bother us?
·      As the church prays, God is making us spiritually fit to receive what He is already willing to do.
·      Prayer changes us into the people who can participate in the greater work of God without being spoiled by it through pride or becoming discouraged by the increased weight of greater fruitfulness.
PROP: New Harvest Assembly of God is to become a “prayer-saturated” congregation that seeks the manifested glory of God among us!
T.S: New Harvest Assembly of God can become a prayer-saturated congregation seeking God’s glory by gleaning the selected insights from scripture,

1.     Jesus Cleanses The Church – Matthew 21:12-17
a.     The Purification – vv.12,13
                                               i.     It is safe to say that commentators are divided on the meaning of Christ’s actions and the intent of those actions. There are various interpretations offered, ranging from political statements to establishing holiness in temple.
                                              ii.     So that we are not overly simplistic, let us allow the narrative to speak to us.
1.     Understand that the money changers tables was an appropriate part of the religious structure – currency needed to be converted to the Temple shekel so that worship could be fulfilled.
2.     The issue – the money changers had turned what was appropriate into a merchandizing aspect of religion – making a profit from worshippers.
3.     Christ is obviously not happy – turning over the money changers tables created a real scene
4.     The instruction that follows is note-worthy: My house is to be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves…
5.     The activity of Christ following this scene is not to be overlooked – he healed the blind and the lame that came to him.
                                            iii.     I feel that we can draw from this pattern a powerful insight for the Vertical Church: Prayer will lead to repentance first then the glory will fall! “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14
b.     Spiritual things happened when Christ cleansed the temple. The worship center is to be Holy Ghost emergency room where people in spiritual trauma can be rescued.
                                               i.     Scottish devotional writer Andrew Bonar wrote in 1853, “God likes to see His people shut up to this, that there is no hope but in prayer. Herein lies the Church’s power against the world.”[1]
                                              ii.     Do not overlook the fact there were blind and lame people already present, but what was missing to effect any real and lasting change was the power and glory of God in the midst of the place of worship.
2.     God Challenges his People – Psalm 50:14,15
a.     Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
                                               i.     God had just stated in essence, “Do you think that I need your sacrifices because I am hungry and need your continual burnt offerings?”
                                              ii.     The answer is NO! Rather the real issue is COMMITMENT!
1.     It has been said that you can tell how popular a church by who attends on Sunday morning, you can tell how popular the Pastor of Evangelist is by those who attend Sunday evening, and you can tell how popular Jesus is by those who attend prayer service.
b.     In consulting various tools to understand the author’s intent by his word selection, the word translated “call” indicates “fervency.”
                                               i.     Actual praying, not thinking I needed help, not wondering when God would act, but kneeling, out-loud, faith-filled calling out to God.
                                              ii.     As we pray, God is making us spiritually fit to receive what He is already willing to do.
                                            iii.     There is one additional thought that can be gleaned from this one word “call.” It is generally understood that specificity is implied – ask for exactly what you need.
c.      Are we living in a day of trouble? Do we need the deliverance of the Lord and His glory among us?
                                               i.     Our prayer should not be God just whisper me something in passing, I know that your busy. Just throw a couple of thoughts my direction; a couple of quick requests over your shoulder while you’re on your way to the grocery store. That is all I desire.
                                              ii.     Isa. 40:9; Lift up your voice with strength…lift it up, fear not”
                                            iii.     Psa. 116:1; “I love the Lord because he heard my voice…”
                                            iv.     Ro 8:15; “You have received the Spirit…by which we cry, Abba Father!”
d.     Something happens in the heart of God when his children go out on a limb and cries out; “God, if it’s not you, it’s nothing! We don’t have plan “B,” we don’t have another hope.”
·      Commitment to a prayer strategy
·      Daniel Prayer & Fasting January 7-11 [For those interested in the 21 fast can continue on].

[1] Andrew A. Bonar, Heavenly Springs (Carlisle: Banner of Truth Trust 1904).

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Unafraid Witness

Unafraid Witness

Going Vertical Series

Preaching Portion: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17
Subject: Triumph In Christ
Theme: Unashamed Witness for Christ

INTRO: Clear, direct witness to others about my own relationship with Jesus Christ brings the glory down.
·      One of the treatments strategies for ending the “Black Plague” in the 1600’s in which 100 million people died was to give them ashes to induce coughing in hopes of spewing the secret source of the disease out of the person.
·      A lasting relic from this time of terror is the macabre children’s rhyme detailing the remedies that did not work: “Ring around the roses, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”
·      This sermon series has dealt with the longing for eternity in the hearts of men and women. This experience that is longed for is outside the normal boundaries of life’s experiences and knowledge. What we have attempted is not working and it has utterly failed to satisfy.
·      The aroma of human experiences will not satisfy the intensity of this hunger. Spoonful’s of status quo or acquiring stuff to satiate the hunger will ultimately lead us to vomit up what we have ingested in search for fulfillment.
·      All around us people are searching but their inability to find it and the spewing that follows every failed attempt until one day “we all fall down!”
·      I believe the single word that best describes the way that God wants His gospel given to searching men and women is “BOLDNESS!”
·      The idea of boldness is implicit in our text scriptures – “…leads us in triumphal procession…” implies that we walk tall and proud as conquerors returning from the battlefield with the spoils of war.
·      Boldness is not being obnoxious! It is not rude and demanding. It is not in your face, “You are going to hell” confrontational evangelism.  Rather boldness is clear, direct communication in the face of potential opposition.
·      Specifically, our text discusses the idea of becoming fragrant/aromatic!  Unless you and I are willing to become the aroma of death to those who are perishing, you will never become the aroma of life to those who are being saved!
·      How much of our evangelism has been programed to avoid what cannot be avoided?

PROP: Every believer is to boldly, clearly articulate the message of Christ to a perishing world.
T.S: Every believer can articulate the message of Christ boldly and clearly by gleaning the insights of 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.

1.     The Fragrance of the Gospel Message– vv.14-16
a.     But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance of life to life. Who is sufficient for all things? For we are not like so many peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity as commissioned by God in the sight of God we speak in Christ.”
b.     To the saved our aroma is the aroma of life! How are we to apply this to ministry, to the work of Church?
                                               i.     First let us say regarding those who are genuinely looking for lasting answers to life’s difficulties, the Holy Spirit is working in those lives preparing the gospel message to come.
                                              ii.     Secondly, as proclaimers and places of worship let understand our commission clearly – we need to boldly and with clarity proclaim the way of Christ.
                                            iii.     Thirdly lest us understand the Holy Spirit’s work of taking a hungry heart and a clear presentation of the gospel and draws men and women into that moment as a breath of life that is sweet to inhale.
c.      To the lost and perishing our presentation of the gospel has the smell of death to that individual. Why? These individuals are frustrated that their self-autonomy is not leading them to the place they hoped for and your presentation of the gospel is the last thing they want to hear and believe.
                                               i.     Let us understand that our gospel will be offensive to some. We will be ridiculed and rejected.
                                              ii.     We stink to these people. They are perishing and yet our clear message of hope stinks to them.
d.     Simply because we will stink to some and become offensive to them, we are not excused from becoming an “Unafraid Witness” for Christ.
                                               i.     We are not place fear of rejection over an authentic passion for Christ burning in our hearts.
                                              ii.     This burning passion for Christ is what will bring the glory of God into our midst.
                                            iii.     Unless we are willing to become the aroma of death we will never become the aroma of life to those who are being saved.
2.     The Faithfulness of The Gospel Messenger – v.17
a.     For we are not like so many, peddler’s of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.”
b.     The term “peddler” in context of this verse indicates an individual who manipulates the gospel story for personal gain.
                                               i.     Paul just admitted to us that in the first century there were hucksters of the gospel that was preying in the emotions of people to manipulate them for personal gain.
                                              ii.     Paul declares that he and other disciples were not like that. They were in contrast men of sincerity realizing their commission is from God they preach Christ.
c.      As a church, let us be reminded of some key thoughts we cannot afford to overlook:
                                               i.     We are under commission by God. “GO” is presumed as an appropriate activity resulting from a salvation experience.
                                              ii.     In the going we are to become witnesses – telling the message of Christ until the trumpet sounds.
                                            iii.     God is observing our effort – “…in the sight of God we speak Christ” should cause us to become motivated. Passivity is unacceptable!

Each One – Reach One has never been more urgent than now!