Monday, May 21, 2012

Thesis Statements on Revival

i)     A revival is a period of time when the people are awakened to the reality of an ever-present and ever-willing God. It is sparked by prophetic preaching of the Word and is led by example. God initiates spiritual relationships by inviting people unto Himself. Rarely does God force anything to happen apart from human cooperation. People respond to God’s initiative. This human response to God is always a mixture of the carnal and the divine. Therefore, all revivals are dirty: dirt and divinity blend at the point of revival. People respond to God by seeking Him, finding Him, and accepting Him. This response always involves the mind, the emotions and the will. Excessive carnal responses are characterized by certain negative traits. Exceptionally spiritual responses are characterized by certain positive traits. A Pentecostal revival emphasizes holiness, power, and service and it may take many forms. Revivals change people, churches and society.

ii)    A revival is the life of God, in and through the people of God, to reproduce the life of God in the world.

iii)   A revival establishes the kingdom of God in believers, and through them, in the world.

iv)   If this process is interrupted, the result is “spiritual abortion” – the life of God is derailed in achieving its purpose.

v)    If this process is uninterrupted, one can and should expect spiritual warfare of unparalleled proportion – Revelation 12:3-5

vi)   Revivals may be signified by many different manifestations and human responses, but the measure of true revivals influence the following:

(1)  Sound Doctrine

(2)  Evangelism and missions (A concern for the lost increases)

(3)  Discipleship process is clarified and implemented

(4)  Sanctification and holiness has a new prominence

(5)  The work of the Holy Spirit is alive and active in the congregation

(6)  Church life – people are excited about being in the house of the Lord

(7)  Stewardship increases – time, talent and money

(8)  Attitude of servanthood increases

(9)  Willingness to suffer

(10)               There is a definite social impact

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Theology of Revival

I)     A Theology of Revival

a)    When is a revival needed?

i)     When brotherly loved is missing. If Christian love is the love of the image of Christ in His people, then it can only be exercised where that image actually exists.

ii)    When there are dissensions and jealousies. The church cannot prosper when this is true and it demonstrates the church has drifted away from God.

iii)   When worldliness dominates the church.

iv)   When church members are found in gross and scandalous sin. This should be a wake up call for a move of God in the church.

v)    When controversy dominates the church’s energy.

vi)   When wickedness rules supreme over the church.

b)    The importance of revivals in these circumstances

i)     A revival is the only way to wipe away reproach which covers the church and restores the Christ and the Cross back in view for the public eye to see.

ii)    A revival is the only thing that will restore Christian love and confidence among church members.

iii)   A revival will avert the judgment of God on the church.

iv)   A revival is the only thing that will stop annihilation. How many more churches need to go out of business due to a lack of relevance?

v)    A revival will aid in keeping the sinner from becoming harder and harder in their spirit. The gospel will become a pronouncement of death if it is not made a pronouncement of life.

vi)   A revival is needed for the sanctification of the church.

c)    Some cautions taken from “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God.”[1]

i)     Just because it is new and different does not mean that it is wrong (p.89)

ii)    We cannot judge true revival by its effect on men’s bodies (p.91)

iii)   We can’t assume that the work was not from God just because means were utilized (p.98)

iv)   We cannot assume  the work was not from God if some people go to extremes (p.101)
We cannot assume the work was not from God if some people “backslide”

[1] Jonathon Edwards. “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God.” Banner of Truth © 1965. ASIN# B0007KD10u.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Theology of Revival

a)    Distinctions between revival and spiritual awakening

i)     Renewal: when God touches the heart of a single individual

ii)    Revival: When God touches a church or faith community

iii)   Awakening: When God touches a wider segment of society or city

b)    Relationship between Revival and Evangelism

i)     Revival and evangelism are different in nature and essence

ii)    Revival and evangelism flow together from the same source – “The Heart of God”

iii)   Revival produces evangelism

iv)   Evangelism when combined with discipleship sustains an attitude and spirit of revival

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Theology of Revival

Outline for Theology of Revival presentation

I)     Definition and Distinctions of Revival/Spiritual Awakening/Evangelism

a)    Various Definitions:

i)     “When the people of God become aware of the presence of God. Worship changes, family life changes, prayer changes, evangelism changes, discipleship changes. Garry L. Brackett

ii)    “Extraordinary season of religious interest” Robert Barid

iii)   “The sovereign act of God in which He restores His own backsliding people to repentance, faith and obedience” Stephen Olford

iv)   “Times of refreshing from the presence of God” Edwin Orr

v)    “The awakening or quickening of God’s people to their true nature and purpose” Robert Coleman

vi)   “The return of the Church from her backslidings, and the conversion of sinners” Charles Finney

vii) “An extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results” Richard Owen Roberts

viii)        “A community saturated with God” Duncan Campbell

ix)   “The work of the Holy Spirit in restoring the people of God to a more vital spiritual life, witness, and work by prayer and the Word after repentance in crisis for their spiritual decline” Earle Cairns

Saturday, May 5, 2012

                UNMASKING THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT - PART 2 ([1])          d 

IV. What Happens if we Compromise with the Spirit of Jezebel?

-          Reference: Revelation 2:20-21; 2:26-27

-          If we compromise with the spirit of Jezebel, it reduces the level of authority we possess. It affects our petitioning to the Father both for ourselves and for others. Our authority level is linked to our purity level.

-          Jezebel is a demonic power that transcends geographical boundaries and can affect nations. Whatever region the spirit enters, it will work with the ruling principality of that territory. It operates with principalities and powers that torment people, i.e., the spirits of religion, manipulation, control, lust, perversion and the occult. These spirits work together with the Jezebel spirit to build strongholds in a person’s mind.

-          The moment a Jezebel stronghold gets entry into a person’s mind, it is defined as ‘coming under’ the influence of a Jezebel spirit. The person’s rational and reasoning process begins to get worse and worse as the days go by. The person’s thoughts and actions become distorted. Love for Jesus grows cold; hunger for the Word and prayer life becomes lesser and lesser. Thoughts get worldly.

V. What MUST a Victim Do?


-          Reference: Ephesians 6:18; 2 Corinthians 2:11


  1. Sows lawlessness or divisiveness in church
      2.Seeks for position.
      3. The fruit of his/her spirit causes dissensions, strife and immorality.

  1. Seizes authority (2 Samuel 15:4-6).

  1. The motivation or driving force behind one’s actions is pride.


    1. Using flattery (motive: gain position and control).

    1. Pitting one against the other (create relational triangle: a,b,c – dissension, strife produced, ensnared by lies; others lose focus).

    1. Strategic alliances or affiliation (Acts 16:16-18).

    1. Creating spiritual dependency in others (walking in a higher plane than others, manipulative at home, church).

    1. Private counseling and prayer sessions.

    1. Exhibiting a religious spirit.

    1. Family life is often in disorder.


    Listed are ten warning flags that pastors have identified prior to an outbreak of the Jezebel Spirit manifesting itself in their congregations. (2)

    1. “I just want to be your friend.” More than likely, people who say these things will have expectations that you will never be able to meet.
    2. “I just want to help you get to where God has called you.” In other words, “you cannot get to your destiny without me.” Beware!
    3. “There are no strings attached to my help. I just want to serve.” However, you will find many hidden strings.
    4. “You can trust me. I will support you.” Such people will support you as long as you do what they say.
    5. “You do not acknowledge my gifting.” People like this are asking you for more authority in the church.
    6. “You do not understand me.” This is a veiled cry for you to spend more time with them than you have available.
    7. “You intimidate me. I do not feel like I can talk to you.” In other words, “My goals should become your goals.”
    8. “I have new revelation. The pastor has Old Testament understanding and I have New Testament understanding.” In other words, “I am right and you are wrong.”
    9. “The Lord has given me some things that I need to share with you.” Duck! You’ll probably be receiving a harsh spanking.
    10. “My last pastor did not know how to use me or my gifts.” In other words, they are saying, “Let me have my way.”
    (2) John Paul Jackson, “Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit.” North Sutton, New Hampshire: Streams Publication. 2002.

([1]) Credit is given to Pastor Francis Ng of the Tabernacle of Christ Church in Singapore.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

                UNMASKING THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT - PART 1 ([1])          d 

1 Kings 16:28-33

I. How do we Know if Someone is Operating by the Jezebelic Spirit?

  1. They attack God’s people thinking they’re doing God’s will. They criticize and attack God’s people thinking they are spiritual policemen.
  2. They attempt to detour and override leadership authority. They carry distorted tales and gossip that deride leadership and promote rebellion in church
  3. They are convinced that they are always being persecuted by God’s people. They behave like victims of persecution in church.
  4. They are very cunning, manipulative, smooth talking and skilled at turning people against each other.
  5. They use excessive flattery and intimidation.
  6. They are very self-centered. Everything they talk about centers around themselves.
  7. They make people emotionally dependent on them, and end up running their lives after that. Their victims start to feel helpless without them and hand control of their lives over to these controlling people.
II. Characteristics of a Jezebel Spirit

  1. Rebellious
-          Jezebel in the Hebrew context means unhusbanded, non-exalted and condemned by God.
  1. Defilement
-          Jezebelic people defile everything they touch; their victims become disillusioned, disarrayed, defocused, depressed, discouraged and disinterested in the things of God. Their spirit gets defiled.

-          The Jezebel spirit is a demonic spiritual force that seeks to deceive, defile and destroy God’s authorities, silence the prophetic voice and stop intercessory prayer.

III. Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit

  1. My Position In Christ
-          Reference: Ephesians 1:3; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12

  1. The Real Enemy – Know It And Its Characteristics
-          Our world is filled with angelic and demonic beings; we must be skilled in learning to partner with the Spirit to impact the spiritual realm.
  1. Exalting God Brings Victory
-          Reference: Exodus 17:9-13; 14:16
-          Here we see the invisible war being demonstrated. The staff/rod demonstrated God’s authority. By raising the rod, Moses exalted God’s strength (invisible). This determined the outcome in the visible realm.

  1. Be An Alert Watchman Against The Enemy
-          Reference: 1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:18; 2 Corinthians 2:11
-          The introduction above sets the stage in introducing the principles involved in unmasking the Jezebel spirit

([1]) Credit is given to Pastor Francis Ng of the Tabernacle of Christ Church in Singapore.