Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Faithfulness to Christ Requires an Acceptance of Persecution

Faithfulness to Christ Requires an Acceptance of Persecution

Preaching Portion: Revelation 2:12-17
Subject: The Church at Pergamum
Theme: Embracing Persecution

INTRO: Put yourself in the shoes of the Christians who were trying to survive when the Turks conquered the various cities of Asia Minor in the latter half of the Middle Ages.
·      Imagine you were a member of one of the churches in Ephesus, Pergamum, or Sardis.
·      You want to remain true to your Christian convictions, but at the same time you have children to feed and clothe – you need a job in order to live.
·      You are given an option of converting to Islam to escape persecution, or you can choose to remain true to your Christian faith and live a life of servitude under Muslim rule or be put to death!
·      Given these choices Christianity did not have much of a chance of survival. Historian Philip Jenkins states that in 1050 the region had:
o   373 bishoprics
o   Citizens were all virtually Christian
o   400 years later there were only 3 bishoprics
o   From the 11th century on the Christianity community was devastated piecemeal and the Turk shredded Christian institutions beyond repair
·      During this time period priests and monks were killed, enslaved and churches fell silent.
·      Author Efraim Karsh in his book Islamic Imperialism: A History, says; “As a universal religion, Islam envisages a global political order in which all mankind will lie under Muslim rule as either believers or subject communities.”[1]
·      There is persecution going on now I our world because of Christ. Egypt has had over 100 churches burned and looted with the killing of priests and raping of women.
·      The Arab Spring seems to be an orchestrated strategy to overthrow by force throughout the Middle East – destabilizing it to accomplish their ultimate – the absolute destruction of Israel.
·      The strategy is in place that Christians are being persecuted globally. If not the loss of life, then by means of civil jihad that undermines our freedoms to preach the gospel of Christ accurately without being branded as a intolerant hate-mongering homophobic type.
PROP: Persecution is part of the way of Christ.
T.S: Let us investigate the correlation of suffering as it pertains to the church at Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17.

1.     Persecution – Historical Review
a.     It is interesting in how history past sounds like history present at times. While circumstances and procedures differ, principles and reasons remain the same.
b.     Here is a sketch of history past[2].
                                               i.     Christianity was attacked out of ignorance and misunderstanding. This new way threatened the status quo of the religious establishment.
                                              ii.     Christians were considered anti-social because they would not participate in pagan rituals. When investigations started Christians remained silent and secretive which only heightened curiosity by the police of the day.
                                            iii.     Christians would not participate in community religious activities that were designed to placate community gods. Consequently, Christians were blamed for every tragedy that occurred – earthquakes, floods, fire, or droughts.
                                            iv.     Christians were hated for their beliefs. Tacitus spoke of Christians as a “class hated for their abominations and deadly superstitions.”
                                              v.     Under Tacitus it was generally believed that the Communion Supper was actually infanticide/eating the blood of children. This false rumor fanned the flame of hatred against Christians.[3]
1.     As a side note it is interesting at how even today accusations are leveled at Christians without an ounce of truth or even a process for debating the truth.
c.      Consider today
                                               i.     Hobby Lobby is being fined $1.5 Million/day for not allowing abortions via the company’s insurance policy for employees. They have defeated the government on three previous cases and yet the government is now filing a fourth case against them.
                                              ii.     Consider the outspoken Doctor at the National Prayer Meeting with President Obama present in which he spoke against the spiritual direction of the nation and was immediately targeted by IRS
                                            iii.     Consider the defeat of DOMA by the Supreme Court – you can now give a well-reasoned and sound argument in the defense of scriptures and yet be called a “hate monger.”
2.     What Pergamum Teaches – Revelation 2:12-17
a.     Do not gloss over the fact of the two-edged sword Christ is a discerner of all actions and thoughts. He has perfect comprehension of the matter
b.     This is a church that has the testimony of faithfulness in the very headquarters of Satan. As a result there was one who was martyred – Antipas.
                                               i.     Here is an illustration of one in the New Testament that stood for the truth and it cost him his life.
                                              ii.     It is recorded in scripture to draw attention and remembrance of what may be expected to take up your cross and follow after Christ.
c.      Yet there are some concerns about this congregation that has a report of standing for Christ in Satan’s hometown. They have coddled the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.
                                               i.     These teachings were designed to create stumbling blocks that would lead to other sinful practices of eating meals that were offered to idols and sexual acts.
d.     There is a call to repentance or face the presence of the Lord  that will come and war against these heretics.
                                               i.     While it is incredible that such behavior would be allowed to exist within the church, I think the larger argument is that of tolerating that which destroys, hurts, and frustrates the manifested presence of God among the people of God.

[1] Efraim Karsh Islamic imperialism (New Have: Yale University, 2007) 62.
[2] Accessed 30 September “Persecution in the Early Church
[3] Accessed 30 September “The Persecutions: First Century”

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