Friday, July 12, 2013

The Cult of Data

What if there are body-life plans that God designed that will bring the results and impact hoped for by the best strategist? What if there are tactics in God's arsenal that will bear the fruit of vibrant, sustained, long-term health, extending Kingdom purposes here or anywhere in the world?[Paul Ford. Moving From I to We (Colorado: NavPress 2013) 184

It is easy for ministers and leaders to become so consumed with busyness and the "how" something should function that we establish training programs to get the masses of people to fit the "how" that we overlook God's gifting and unique functions of people that are already involved.

What principles are we to consider as we plan and execute our strategies? Before we can consider an answer to this question, we need to look and a painful answer. I believe that God is weary of our humanly contrived and executed plans to reach the world. He is probably weary of our scheming to fulfill His purposes through the next program from SUPER CHURCH X or EVANGELISTIC BLOG Z. Perhaps we need to re-think Ezekiel 36-37, the valley of dry bones and read the story again from the perspective of God's spirit awakening dead lethargy by Spirit anointing. With that in mind consider what the cult of data is not:
1.  Do not prepare all people to do one type of task. Your "grand-church" vision should include the variety of talents and gifts within your church presently. "One-size" does not fit all and you risk loosing people for attempting to force them into ministry that does not fit their gift set.
2.  Promoting the "right" strategic person for ministry can devalue other people already working. This mind-set can sabotage a ministry opportunity and discourage others from feeling like they have worth and value in your ministry vision.
3.  Do not put all of your eggs into one basket. Accomplishing Kingdom purposes is not a one-size fits all approach. Recognize the value of multi-purposes and methods.

What if you could leverage God's unique giftedness of your leadership team as well as your entire congregation? How would that impact your goals and dreams? How would this information assist you in understanding why differences of opinions become crippling? What would the value of this information be worth to you in achieving Kingdom goals?

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